Treat Street Wind-up Robot Candy Poopers: 3-Piece Set
It’s finally time to answer to that age-old question that has haunted humankind since the development of artificial intelligence: Do robots poop?
We always kind of figured that, if so, they must leave a trail of castoff nuts and bolts in their wake. Turns out we were wrong. If these little red, blue, and grey androids are to be taken seriously, robots do, in fact, poop. But instead of blown fuses and shorted wires, it appears that they expel delicious, multicolored candy pieces. Who would have guessed!
Wind them up and watch them… go? They’ll travel across any flat service like a machine on the move, taking care of business along the way (if you catch our drift). Just pick up their precious little "gifts" and enjoy a sweet snack!
And rest assured knowing that one day, when humans have all become subservient to a race of intelligent robots, at least we will be able to look forward to our artificial overlords dispensing candy from their behinds.
Candy Dispenser Height: 3.5 Inches
Set contains 3 Robot Candy Poopers, each with approximately 6 pieces of candy.
Shipping Weight ~ 2 lbs.