Snickers Almond Fun Size Candy Bars: 14-Piece Bag
Today you discovered that almonds are not nuts; they are actually seeds. As expected, you came to the conclusion that when you eat an almond you are essentially sowing a seed. This is a finding that we dare not argue because philosophically it’s true. Just monitor yourself when you take a bite of this Snickers bar that’s swapped out its famed peanuts for almonds. The sweet combination of chocolate, caramel, and nougat will take its natural course of deliciousness. But notice the crunchy texture and light notes of the seedy center which enhance without overpowering. Yes, those are sowing traits of abundant flavor; now reap the benefits with this 14-piece bag.
Bar Dimensions (Inches): 1.5 x 1
Bag contains 10.23 ounces of Snickers Almond Fun Size Candy Bars... that's about 14 pieces.
Made in the USA.
Shipping Weight ~ 3/4 lb. Kosher Certified.