Gummy Baby Dentures Candy: 3KG Bag
Ever notice that babies have a lot of tooth problems? For example, they don’t even have any. So why not just give the little buggers a set of tiny dentures?
Ok, we’re not actually here to sell you baby dentures. But we thought that was a great intro into these tiny gummy teeth candies! With the taste of sweet strawberry and the puffy chew of a gummy fluff, these confections are a miniature version of the gummy teeth, perfect for small snacking and scaring the neighbors. Partake in a handful whenever you feel the urge to chew some teeth coming on. (And of course, if you ever come up with a patent for real baby dentures, give us some credit for the idea, please!)
There are about 160 gummies per pound.
Dentures Width: 0.75 Inches
Bag contains 3 kilograms (~6.6 pounds) of Gummy Baby Dentures Candy.
Made in Spain.
Shipping Weight ~ 7 lbs.