Efrutti Black & White Gummy Penguins Candy: 1KG Bag
It’s true. The way we dress says a lot about who we are. So it’s no wonder these gummy penguins in their formal black coats and puffed up white chests send messages right to your brain and directly down to your taste buds. When that message lands on your tongue in surprising peach flavor it will sound something like "MMMM," the universal word for deliciousness. Feel free to bring this two-pound bag of well-dressed aquatic treats to the next International Conference. It will be the first time you all speak the same language without uttering a word.
There are approximately 70 pieces per pound.
Penguin Height: 1 Inch
Bag contains 1 kilogram (~2.2 pounds) of Black & White Gummy Penguins Candy.
Shipping Weight ~ 2.5 lbs.