Instead of taking you back to the future, we’re bringing you back to the past with the 1980s candy. Whether you were bad to the bone back then or you preferred to hang out with the Molly Ringwalds of the world, we’ve done our research to find all the classic candies from this celebrated decade so you can find all your favorites in one convenient location. Our 1980s candy collection contains all the sugary classics you enjoyed when the hair was big, and the shoulder pads were even bigger. We’ve pulled out the big guns to provide variety and value at every turn. Find all your favorite taffy, bubblegum, candy bars, lollipops, and other kinds of candy from the 1980s. Even if you spent most of your allowance at the arcade, trying to beat the next level of PAC-MAN, you always remembered to save some money for AirHeads on the way home. When they weren’t collecting and trading baseball cards, all the kids were chewing Big League Chew bubble gum. You can relive these memories and create new ones with candy from Candy Warehouse!
94 products